On Time Urgent Care

Workers Compensation

Urgent Care & Walk-In Clinic located in Columbus, OH
Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation services offered in Columbus, OH

You could be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if you suffer an illness or injury at your workplace or while performing your job duties. Taiwo Adebayo, NP, is a qualified independent medical examiner who performs workers’ compensation exams at On Time Urgent Care, LLC, in Columbus, Ohio. With an experienced team, the providers conduct your exam in a safe environment and help you navigate the paperwork you need. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.

What is workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation is an insurance program mandated by the federal government and administered by the states. It provides medical and financial assistance to employees injured at work or who become ill due to their job.

Benefits typically cover medical costs, lost wages, rehabilitation expenses, and disability payments. Since your employer covers the cost of workers’ compensation insurance, you can’t sue for damages.

Every employee applying for workers’ comp must undergo an independent medical exam (IME). This exam determines if your illness or injury directly results from your working conditions. The expert medical team conducts IMEs at On Time Urgent Care, LLC, and can help you navigate the workers’ comp process.

Who is eligible for workers’ compensation?

Most employees in Ohio are eligible for workers’ comp if they suffer an on-site injury or contract an illness at their workplace. The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation states that an employee can receive benefits if the injury or illness:

  • Directly stems from their employment
  • Occurs on work grounds or while on the job
  • Is reported to the employer within one year
  • Doesn’t affect an independent contractor or self-employed individual (these individuals aren’t covered)

The sooner you seek workers’ compensation and schedule an IME, the more likely you will receive prompt medical care and coverage for your condition.

What medical conditions and injuries does workers’ compensation cover?

Workers’ comp includes a wide range of medical conditions and injuries, including:

Physical injuries

In Ohio, workers’ comp typically provides coverage for one-time and repetitive injuries and physical conditions that stem from working around hazardous materials.

Psychological conditions

The mental and emotional trauma that causes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, or depression are typically eligible for workers’ comp benefits.

Occupation-related diseases

Chronic diseases like mesothelioma, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asbestos exposure can cause lifelong health concerns for which workers’ comp provides coverage.

Occupation-related death

You can seek workers’ comp benefits if your loved one dies because of a workplace illness or injury.

How do I prepare for a workers’ compensation exam?

To prepare for your IME, the team at On Time Urgent Care, LLC, recommends that you bring:

  • A valid driver’s license or passport
  • Complete medical records
  • Insurance information
  • A list of medications
  • A list of questions or concerns

The team helps you complete the necessary paperwork to ensure that your claim meets the eligibility requirements.

Call On Time Urgent Care, LLC, or schedule an appointment online today to learn more about worker’s compensation.